Health, Safety & Environment

SCG Safety Culture

Shanghai Construction Group’s safety culture is a people-based safety process.  SCG’s organization’s safety culture is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of health and safety management. SCG’s commitment at the management, employee, and personal levels are all key elements of our team’s effective safety culture.

Management Support for Safety

SCG managers demonstrate their commitment through their actions and lead by example when it comes to health and safety. Management commitment is evident and continuously present in the resources (time, people, money) and support allocated to health and safety. SCG management is sincerely committed, all SCG are empowered to intervene for safety’s sake!

Employee Support for Safety

In SCG’s team active employee participation and good communication at all levels are key. In SCG’s positive safety culture, questions about health and safety are part of everyday work conversations. This includes observations, feedback, open communication, and accountability. SCG understands team effort and it is important to build ownership and use the expertise and unique knowledge each employee has. In our team, SCG’s safety culture, both management and employees feel that their safety achievements are the result of a joint effort.