Our Services

Building Construction
SCG has experience in thousands of building construction projects and hundreds specializing in condominium, apartment, and mixed-use developments

Pipe Jacking & Micro-tunneling
SCG started to develop and construct the technology for pipe jacking and underwater buried pipes since 1950s

Segmental Liner Tunnels
In the past 30 years, SCG has completed various subway tunnels, cross-river tunnels, power cable tunnels, drainage tunnels, and non-standard diameter liner tunnels

Shaft Construction
SCG has completed multiple types of piles, with diameters varying from 700mm to 1200mm, and over 250,000 piles

Tunnel Rehabilitation
In the past 10 years, SCG has completed around 30 tunnel rehabilitation projects

Vertical Jacking-up
Since the 1990s, SCG started to develop and construct the technology of Vertical Jacking and was awarded “Shanghai Science and Technology Achievement Certificate”